Power Packs


The SILENT Power Pack is a self-propelled aggregate specially designed to supply a preheater or a melting set with its needs of hydraulics, electricity and diesel for the burner.

The engine is an air cooled diesel engine with low diesel consumption. The engine is silent with noise-proof capsule, which reduces the noise level substantially. In total this Silent Power Pack automatically can supply power for you melting for at least one day.

The units can be put on a trailer, truck or anywhere suitable.

We offer different sizes depending on the capacity need you have.


Length 600-800 mm
Width 600-1200 mm
Height 800-1500 mm
Engine Hatz 2L 41C/Hatz 1D 81C
Effect 11-50 hp
Fuel type Diesel
Diesel tank volume 50-140 L
Electric system 12V + 230V
Starting battery One 12V
Hydraulic oil cooling Yes